Hypnobirthing is an enjoyable antenatal course that prepares you and reduces your anxiety of childbirth. Hypnobirthing increases the chance of having a positive and calm birth and reduces the likelihood of pain relief and interventions. It provides opportunity to learn deep relaxation techniques so that a labouring woman can ignore distractions and focus on herself whilst listening and trusting her body. During the course, we work on changing our mindset and visualising the birth we hop for. Through using hypnobirthing relaxation techniques, it encourages you to work with your body, rather than against it, therefore your hormones will work more effectively, and your body can do exactly what it is designed to do. When a labouring woman is relaxed, her body softens, this can lead to a more comfortable and enjoyable birth. Most importantly, hypnobirthing teaches couples/your birth partner the tools to make informed decisions during pregnancy and birth so that they feel in relaxed and in control.
I offer group and bespoke 1:1 Hypnobirthing courses. I also offer an intensive course and Hypnobirthing specifically for Caesarean birth.
Group Course: The group course will be interactive as well as gaining all the hugely valuable hypnobirthing tools you'll also benefit from meeting other expectant parents. A group course is a great way to meet parents who are expecting at a similar time to you. The course is 10 hours long, ran over 4 sessions.
Bespoke 1:1 Course: This can run from the comfort of your own home on times and days to solely suit you. The course is 10 hours long, ran over 3 sessions. Please get in touch if you have a friend or two who you would like to do the course with to have your own private small group course.- discounts available.
Both of the courses above are recommended from 20-35 weeks.
Intensive Course: This is for those of you that can't commit to a full 10 hours or found us late on in your pregnancy! This is a four hour intensive course from your home or ours that will guide you through core principles and techniques of Hypnobirthing. - Recommended from 35 weeks.
Hypnobirthing for Caesarean Birth: This course is ran over 2/3 sessions- being completely flexible to you. We will learn how hypnobirthing can make a difference to your birth and I will guide you through core principles and techniques of Hypnobirthing that can be directly applied to your birth.

Bespoke 1:1 - £275
These sessions can be ran from the comfort of your own home, 1:1 or if you have a group of friends who you'd like to start your hypnobirthing journey with!
Group - £195 per couple
Meet other parents as your prepare for your calm birth!
Due December-Feb ? Book your Hull Group Course now!
Online - £175
Sessions run from your home via Zoom - all resources will be sent to your home ready to start your hypnobirthing journey.
Not sure hypnobirthing is for you? Why not join me for a FREE taster event? These are sessions held in Hull and Howden. Click the link below for more details or to book your place!
Building a Positive Birthing Mindset.
A masterclass for you and your birth partner that will leave you both feeling calm, collected and connected, ready for the imminent arrival of your beautiful baby.
This class is suitable for all- those early, mid and late on in their pregnancy.
Topics covered:
-Discussion around expectations of child birth
-Pain and coping mechanisms
-How to influence our mind for good
-An introduction to your birth preferences
-Relaxation and easy/quick ways to implement this into your routine
... and so much more!
This is for those who have found hypnobirthing later in their pregnancy. It takes place over 4 hours in one day or split into two sessions. This can be done from the comfort of your own home.
These sessions can be ran from the comfort of your own home. The course is ran over 2 sessions of 2.5/3 hours long and we will discuss the principles and practise the techniques of Hypnobirthing. We will discuss how to navigate the maternity system and sign post you to information so you can make the best informed choices for you and your birth.
- A bespoke hypnobirthing course
- An hours Teams call to discuss and write your birth preferences
- Access to 4 hypnobirthing /relaxation tracks
- Additional support via WhatsApp and a private Facebook page (where appropriate)
- Time to connect with your birth partner on a new level
- Dedicated time to yourself.and your baby
- All course materials including course work book and affirmation cards
- A lovely goody bag