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Based in, East Yorkshire
Leave feeling confident, calm & empowered armed with the tools to have the best birth experience for you.
"Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don't matter." -Michelle Obama

Are you fearful of child birth? Are you convinced it's just a painful right of passage? You don't have to be and it doesn't have to be. Hypnobirthing can change your mindset and provide you with the tools to have a positive experience, even if all doesn't go to plan. It will help you look forward to and be excited about birthing your baby rather than dread and fear what is to come.

Hayley & Chris
I have no doubt whatsoever that my experience of labour was made so much better thanks to hypnobirthing with Emily. I felt so lucky for the birth that I had and I am extremely proud of myself and my body for growing and delivering Harry.
Jess & Tom
Emily's hypnobirthing course was the best thing I've ever done. I was very skeptical that it wasn't for me and after 5 minutes of listening, I knew I was bring. We are now feeling positive and excited for the birth of our baby girl and ready to take on whatever happe. You really are one in a million and If I could give 1 million stars instead of 5, I would.
Amber & Steve
On the labour ward, the midwives joked that I was too comfortable- thanks to Emily and hypnobirthing. Hypnnobirthing empowered us with knowledge and confidence we needed going into labour. We feel calm and ready for any situation and have the techniques ready to use to allow us to remain in this positive frame of mind,.
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